Thursday, July 19, 2012


Facebook can be a blessing and a curse.  After the girls passed I cut out people in our lives that made not attempt to reach out to us, after our loss.  We had so much overwhelming love and support that it was only a few.  I had one person ask me about the girls two months after their death and now another four months after.  I feel kinda bad!  But I mean these people were on Facebook weekly if not daily so who did they never see a thing about it.  I posted about it and posted pictures.  I mean I don't know.  Then when they ask they feel really bad finding out what happened.

I am also concerned about what to do with new people I meet and that question Do you have kids?  Yes I have two beautiful baby daughters who were spitting images of their mamma and daddy, but they were born too soon and passed away.

What about my students?  I am thinking about just telling them right off the bat instead of dealing with that awkward moment latter on.

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